OLIVA, Adriana
Born 05 08 1953 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nationality: argentine
Marital status: single
Doctor in Biological Science 1988
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Thesis: "The genus Berosus Leach in Argentina".
Published as "El género Berosus Leach en América del Sur", Revta. Museo arg. Cs nat. 6(4): 57-235. 1989
New species described: 10.
New species: 1.
Papers published to date: 54
List in:
Lista de trabajos
Diploma (Licenciatura) Biological Science (Zoology: Morphology and Sistematics) 1980
Thesis: "The genus Derallus Sharp in Argentina"
Published as "The genus Derallus Sharp in Argentina", Revta Soc. ent. arg. 40 (1-4): 285-286. 1981.
After graduating, I held several scholarships aimed at completing my doctorate (CONICET). After doctoring, I earned a postdoctoral scholarship to visit Brussel (Belgium) and entered the career of scientific researcher, all in CONICET.
As scholarship holder and as researcher I have described 40 species of Coleoptera Hydrophiloidea and cleared the status of Epimetopidae, Georissidae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae Berosini and Hydrophilidae Laccobiini in Argentina.
I used my knowledge of general entomological biodiversity and the methodology I had learned to begin the study of Forensic Entomology in Argentina in 1993.
In 1994 there was a notorious criminal case which hinged on datation. My entomological expertise settled the date. As a result of the impact of this case on public opinion, compulsory military service was abolished in Argentina.
See Oliva and Ravioli: Conscript Carrasco, a peacetime casuality. Anil Aggrawal's Journal of Forensic Science, 2004.
Since then, I am Chief (and sole staff) of the Laboratory of Forensic Entomology, at the Museo argentino de Ciencias naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

SPANISH: native language
ENGLISH: IELTS examination in 2004: 8.
FRENCH: fluent. Spent 2 years in Brussel, Belgium.
Check my grammar and spelling at www.everyoneweb.fr/bestiolePampa
German: can read papers on biological subjects, follow informatic instructions, go shopping.
Italian: can read, speak for everyday use.
Latin: can read old descriptions, work Classical texts with a lexicon, write botanical descriptions with a lexicon.
Chinese (mandarin) rudiments
Bahasa Indonesia: rudiments
Drawing (analytical and imaginative)
Painting, carving, paper cutting
Good everyday use of computer. Text processing, image editing, handling of e-mail with proper security norms.
Old fashioned lab skills. Can light Bunsen burner without burning bungling fingers.
Marginal subjects
Remote sensors 1988
Tanathology 2006
Production of aromatic plants 2008
Elementary chocolate-making 2010
CONICET= Consejo nacional de investigaciones científicas y tecnológicas